Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Acceptable Document Checklist

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a significant initiative by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) aimed at making Internet services more affordable for eligible households. 

In an era where digital access is critical, the ACP carries forward the mission of its predecessor, the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB), offering sustainable, long-term assistance.

The ACP provides a monthly discount of up to $30 towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. 

Additionally, it offers a one-time discount of up to $100 for purchasing a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if the consumer contributes more than $10 but less than $50 towards the purchase price.

Eligibility depends on several factors, including income level (at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines), participation in certain assistance programs like SNAP, Medicaid, Lifeline, and others, or being approved to receive benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch program or the school breakfast program.

Submitting accurate documentation is vital when applying for the ACP. These documents verify eligibility, ensuring that benefits reach those who need them the most. 

They confirm the applicant's identity, income level, and participation in qualifying assistance programs, thereby preventing fraudulent applications.

Applicants may need to provide documents like their most recent income tax return, current income statement from an employer or paycheck stub, or statements of benefits to validate their income level. 

To verify participation in qualifying assistance programs, they may need to provide a notice of participation in programs like SNAP, Medicaid and Lifeline, or a letter confirming their children's enrollment in the free and reduced-price school lunch or breakfast program.

Proper documentation not only speeds up the application process but also ensures equitable distribution of benefits among eligible households.

The document checklist serves as a guide for applicants, outlining what documents they need to provide when applying for the ACP. 

It helps streamline the application process and ensures applicants gather all the necessary information before starting the application process.

The checklist details the types of documents required, such as those needed for income verification or proof of participation in qualifying assistance programs. It also provides information about alternative documents if the primary ones are not available.

By using the checklist, applicants can ensure they're well-prepared to complete the application process efficiently and accurately, leading to faster processing of their application and timely receipt of ACP benefits. 

Thus, the checklist plays a crucial role in enabling easy and efficient access to ACP benefits for all eligible households.

Eligibility Documentation for ACP

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has specific eligibility requirements that households must meet to qualify for benefits. One key criterion is that the total household income should be less than 200% of the federal poverty level. 

This means that the combined earnings of all members in the household should not exceed twice the federal poverty threshold for the given household size.

When it comes to income verification, households can use several types of documents:

Most recent federal or state income tax return: This document provides a comprehensive overview of an individual's or family's income for the previous year.

Current income statement from an employer or paycheck stub: These documents give proof of current employment and show the amount of income being earned.

Social Security statement of benefits: For those receiving Social Security benefits, this statement serves as proof of income.

Veterans Administration statement of benefits: For veterans receiving benefits, this statement can be used as proof of income.

Retirement or pension statement of benefits: These statements prove the amount of income received from retirement funds or pensions.

Unemployment or Workers' Compensation statement of benefit: For those unemployed or receiving workers’ compensation, these statements can be used to verify income.

Federal or tribal notice letter of participation in General Assistance: This letter proves participation in a General Assistance program, which can help establish eligibility.

In addition to the income requirement, participation in certain assistance programs also qualifies a household for the ACP. These include:

Free and Reduced-Price School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program: Households with children participating in these school meal programs are eligible.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Also known as food stamps, households receiving SNAP benefits qualify.

Medicaid: Those enrolled in Medicaid, the public health insurance program for low-income people, are eligible.

Federal Housing Assistance: This includes various programs such as Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program (Section 8 Vouchers), Project-Based Rental Assistance (PBRA)/Section 202/Section 811, Public Housing, and Affordable Housing Programs for American Indians, Alaska Natives, or Native Hawaiians.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Those receiving SSI, a program that gives cash assistance to people with limited income and resources who are disabled, elderly, or blind, are eligible.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC): Households receiving WIC, a federal assistance program for healthcare and nutrition of low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children under the age of five, qualify.

Veterans Pension or Survivor Benefits: Veterans receiving these benefits are eligible.

Lifeline: Current participants of the Lifeline program, a federal program that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service, are eligible.

For each of these programs, some form of proof of participation will be required, such as a notice or letter of participation, a benefits card, or another document indicating current participation in the program.

Specific Document Requirements

Proof of Income

Income verification is crucial for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) as it determines eligibility based on income thresholds.

Several Affordable Connectivity Program documents can be used for income verification, including:

  • Pay stubs: These provide a detailed breakdown of an individual's earnings and deductions over a specific pay period.
  • Tax returns: An individual's federal tax return gives a comprehensive overview of their annual income.
  • Benefit statements: For individuals receiving government benefits like Social Security or unemployment, these statements can serve as proof of income.

Typically, documents should be clear, legible, and up-to-date. They should clearly show the individual's name, income amount, and the relevant dates. 

Some programs might require original documents, while others may accept copies or digital versions.

It's vital to provide the most recent documents available to reflect your current income accurately. Also, ensure all information is filled out completely and accurately, and check for any errors before submission.

Household Size Verification

Verifying the size and composition of a household is another critical aspect of the ACP application process.

Acceptable documents for verifying household size or composition: Various documents can verify household size, including:

  • Birth certificates: These can verify the number of children in a household.
  • Tax records: These can show dependents claimed in a household.
  • School enrollment documents: These can confirm the number of school-aged children in a household.

Guidance on accurately documenting all members of the household: It's important to include all people living in the household, regardless of whether they are related or not. This includes all adults, children, and any individuals for whom you are the legal guardian.

Additional Eligibility Criteria

Some additional eligibility criteria might require specific documents.

Some programs might require additional documents like student enrollment records for college students or veterans' benefit statements for veterans.

These documents help verify participation in specific programs or status that qualifies an individual for the ACP.

Accessibility Considerations

The ACP recognizes that not everyone has access to traditional proof of income or residency documents, so there are alternative options.

This could include letters from employers for income or letters from landlords for residency.

In some cases, sworn statements attesting to income or residency may be accepted. It's recommended to reach out to the ACP directly for guidance if traditional documents aren't available.

Document Submission Process

Digital Copies or Scanned Documents

The digital revolution has made it possible for processes like the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to accept digital copies or scanned documents.

When submitting digital or scanned documents, clarity is key. Ensure that all text is legible and that the entire document is visible in the scan. 

Avoid cutting off any corners or sides that contain relevant information. It's also a good practice to cross-verify the scanned copy with the original to ensure accuracy.

Typically, PDF is the most widely accepted format as it maintains the original formatting of the document. However, image formats like JPEG or PNG may also be accepted. 

The file size may be subject to specific limits set by the program, so it's advisable to check these beforehand. If a file exceeds the limit, you might need to compress it without compromising its quality.

Submission Methods

Different programs offer various channels for document submission, catering to diverse applicant needs and resources.

The most common channels include online portals, email, and regular mail. Online portals are generally the fastest and most efficient method. 

Email is also convenient but can have limitations on file size. Regular mail can be used when digital submission isn't feasible.

Deadlines are crucial in any application process. Submitting all required Affordable Connectivity Program documents by the stated deadline ensures your application is considered. Late submissions could lead to delays or even disqualification.

Retention of Documents

The handling and storage of submitted Affordable Connectivity Program documents is a serious matter, given the sensitive information they often contain.

Submitted Affordable Connectivity Program documents are typically stored securely in a digital format, with access restricted to authorized personnel. This is to ensure the integrity of the information and the process.

Robust privacy and security measures should be in place to protect your personal information. These may include secure servers, encryption technologies, and stringent data access policies. Compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations is also a must.


The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a crucial initiative aimed at making Internet services more readily available and affordable for eligible households. At the heart of this process lies the importance of providing accurate and complete documentation during the ACP application.

Accurate documentation serves to validate the information provided in the application, verifying the applicant's eligibility based on income, participation in qualifying assistance programs, and other criteria. 

This not only ensures that the benefits reach those who truly need them but also helps maintain the integrity and fairness of the program.

Incomplete or inaccurate documentation can cause delays in the application process or even result in denial of benefits. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that applicants ensure all documents are accurate, up-to-date and complete before submission.

The document checklist serves as an essential guide for ACP applicants, helping them understand what documents are needed for the application process.

For income verification, documents such as pay stubs, tax returns, benefit statements, etc., are accepted. Household size can be verified using documents like birth certificates, tax records, school enrollment documents, and more. 

Additional eligibility criteria may require specific documents such as student enrollment records or veterans' benefit statements.

All submitted documents should be clear, legible, and current. They should reflect the applicant's present circumstances accurately to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

With the digital age well upon us, Internet connectivity has become a vital part of our everyday lives. The ACP aims to ensure that this essential service is accessible and affordable for all eligible households.

Therefore, if you think you're eligible for the ACP, don't hesitate. Begin gathering the necessary documents today. Use the document checklist as your guide to ensure you have all the required documents ready for your application.

Applying for the ACP could significantly reduce your monthly Internet bill and provide you with reliable Internet service. So, seize this opportunity. With the right documentation in hand, you're one step closer to availing the benefits of the ACP. Don't wait, apply today!