How To Switch Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Provider

On December 31, 2021, the US Government launched an initiative to ensure low-income households have access to reliable and cheap internet services. It's the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).                           

Eligible households can get discounts of up to $30 on monthly broadband services or $75 if they live in qualifying tribal lands. In addition, families could get a one-time discount to purchase equipment, such as desktop computers or laptops, if they meet extra requirements.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created this benefit program to help low-income households afford the broadband they need to stay connected.

Thanks to the ACP, many families can afford internet services to work, access healthcare, or just learn. Besides helping them save on monthly expenses, this program narrows the digital divide that often affects low-income households.

The US Government explains that the internet is essential for education and the economy. Additionally, connectivity can impact our well-being by supporting our health.

Internet access has also become a social and recreational necessity. It helps us stay in touch with our neighbors and loved ones.

However, not all Americans enjoy these benefits because they cannot afford broadband services. The latest figures show that roughly 1 in 5 households have no internet access.

As a result, the Biden-Harris administration has committed to providing $65 billion to make sure American families can afford reliable high-speed internet. A large percentage of this money goes to the ACP.

Reasons for Switching ACP Providers

Many landline and wireless internet service providers have joined the Affordable Connectivity Program since it was launched.

The benefits this program offers may vary depending on the company we choose. Therefore, we can switch ACP providers if we aren't satisfied with their services.

If you want to know how to switch ACP providers, this article may contain the information you're looking for. We'll guide you through the steps to do so.

However, before delving into the process, we'll explore the reasons we might want to transfer Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) benefits to a new provider.

Seeking Better Service and Improved Reliability

We may want to transfer ACP benefits to a new provider if we aren't satisfied with their services. That's one of the main reasons why we can consider this change.

Whether we're unhappy with the customer service or believe monthly fees are too high, we have the right to switch to a different provider. The same is true if we need faster internet speeds.

Cost Considerations and Affordability

Internet service providers participating in this program agreed to offer a discount to households. However, that doesn't mean they should lower their fees.

Sometimes, late fees are too high. This can be a huge problem for low-income families struggling to afford these services even with the discount.

We may consider switching ACP providers if we compare pricing plans and find a more affordable option. Some companies also offer promotions or other discounts.

An ACP transfer makes sense if this lowers our monthly internet expenses while giving us access to a reliable internet connection.

Access to Additional Benefits or Value-added Services

Some providers are more generous than others. If we find one offering additional benefits, we may consider this change.

Households benefit from comprehensive packages with enhanced technical support and high-quality customer service. Many also look for companies offering value-added services, such as more monthly data. It's okay to change our providers in these scenarios.

Network Coverage and Availability

If we're struggling with a poor or unstable internet connection, we can also transfer ACP to a new provider that offers better network coverage in our area.

Actually, many households look for providers offering more reliable internet access after experiencing network issues or when there's limited availability.

Flexibility and Options

Our internet connection must meet our specific needs and preferences. Saving on our expenses doesn't mean we have to settle for low-quality services. We're getting discounts for easy access to reliable broadband.

Therefore, we must evaluate our current situation and determine if we're happy with our provider. If this isn't the case, we can try to find one with more or better options. This change may be for us if we're looking for more flexible contract terms, bundled services, or data caps.

Eligibility and Requirements

Are you planning to transfer ACP benefits to a new provider? The process is similar to the initial application.

Households are eligible for this program's benefits if their income is below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

An American family may also be ACP-eligible if a member meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • Meets the eligibility requirements for a low-income internet program set by a broadband provider
  • Is awarded a Federal Pell Grant during the current year
  • Participates in Federal Housing Assistance, Free and Reduced-price School Lunch or School Breakfast, SNAP, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, or Lifeline programs
  • Lives in qualifying Tribal lands and currently receives benefits from the Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Tribal TANF, and Tribal Head Start (income-based)

You can find more information about the eligibility requirements here.

Confirm Eligibility

Besides meeting the initial eligibility requirements, we must confirm that we can switch to a new provider. These are the rules and conditions we must consider:

  • Only one ACP benefit is available per household, even if multiple members are eligible.
  • We should apply for ACP benefits only if we're eligible.
  • Households can receive ACP benefits from only one internet provider at a time.
  • As beneficiaries, we can change our internet provider once a month.
  • We may transfer ACP benefits more than once a month under certain circumstances.

Steps to Switch ACP Providers

If we want to switch to a new ACP provider, this is what we need to do:

  1. Researching Alternative ACP Providers

The first step in making this change is to find a new provider offering ACP benefits in our area. There's a list of all available options on the FCC website. We just have to choose our state or territory to see them.

  1. Evaluating Available Plans, Pricing, and Benefits

Once we have access to this list, we can review each provider's offerings. It's important to evaluate their plans and pricing. These benefits must satisfy our needs.

As mentioned, some providers offer discounts for purchasing devices. Check that information on the list if you need this benefit.

  1. Understanding Contract Obligations and Potential Fees

Government-assisted programs have strict rules and conditions we must follow. The ACP is no exception.

We have contract obligations. If we don't use our ACP service at least once a month, we may lose it. Also, we'll no longer qualify if we change our physical address.

There are also potential fees. Providers often charge them when we don't pay for the service on time, for example. It's important to understand and consider these aspects before choosing a new provider.

  1. Gathering Necessary Documentation and Information

If we already evaluated a company's plans, prices, and terms, it's time to gather the documentation required to apply.

We need a document to prove address, identity, income, or program participation, for example.

  1. Contacting the New ACP Provider

Once we have all the documents, we can contact the new supplier. It's the perfect time to clarify our doubts about your services.

We also need to contact our current provider to close the existing service.

  1. Initiating the Switching Process and Completing the Required Paperwork

Finally, we should ask the provider to transfer our benefits. Reapplication may be necessary. However, we aren't eligible for a new discount to purchase an internet-connected device if we already receive it.

Potential Costs and Charges

Although it depends on each internet provider, there are usually no costs associated with this process. The Affordable Connectivity Program's protections and rules say we don't have to pay early termination fees to make this change.

Transferring ACP Benefits

Many people are hesitant to switch ACP providers because they fear losing internet access. However, this shouldn't happen.

Although reapplication may be necessary in some cases, we can simply transfer our current benefits to a new provider. Companies manage this process through the National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD).

Switching ACP providers is easy and fast in most cases. If there's a service interruption, it'll likely be minimal.

To sum up, these are the steps we must follow to transfer ACP benefits:

  1. Contact Our Current Provider

We should contact our current ACP provider and request the transfer. It's essential to pay the company what we owe. Otherwise, we won't be able to close the service.

  1. Provide the Required Information and Documentation

In this phase, we also have to provide personal information and documents. Providers may request the following details:

  • Full legal name
  • Identity information
  • Home address
  • Phone number

Additionally, providers need to obtain consumer consent in oral or written format before making the transfer.

  1. Confirm that the Transfer is Successful

Finally, we must contact our new provider to confirm that we have successfully transferred our ACP benefits to a new company.

Timeframe and Enrollment Periods

The switching process is relatively quick and easy if we maintain our eligibility and follow the correct steps. However, it may vary depending on the new provider we choose or if we need to reapply.

We can switch providers only once a month. However, we may be eligible to transfer our benefits more times within that period.

If we want to know if we're eligible for these exceptions, we should ask our company.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a New Provider

How can we choose a provider that is good for us? When changing companies, we all want to make the best choice. Therefore, we should consider the following aspects:

Network Coverage and Reliability

A reliable and fast internet connection is essential to meet our personal needs. Evaluate the options in your area and choose one that gives you access to stable broadband to work, study, or keep in touch with loved ones.

Pricing Plans and Affordability

This program's main purpose is to help us pay for internet services to stay connected. ACP benefits should ease our financial burden.

That's why we must evaluate providers' plans and pricing schemes. This information will help us choose one that we can afford each month.

Additional Benefits or Value-added Services

Each provider offers different benefits. If we want to save, we should choose a company offering promotions or more discounts.

Some providers focus on improving their internet speed or customer service by offering 24-hour support. We should choose one that suits our preferences and needs.

Contract Terms and Flexibility

Each company is free to define its contract terms. Some charge high late fees, but others are more flexible.

Many providers also offer Lifeline benefits, helping households receive both free phones and discounted internet services. We should define what we need to make the right choice. 

Customer Support and Technical Assistance

Customer support is as important as connection reliability and speed. If we have a problem, we should receive prompt technical assistance to find a potential solution.

To choose a company with excellent customer support, we can check online reviews. When representatives are friendly and willing to answer our questions, that's a sign that they care about customer satisfaction.

Finalizing the Switch and Confirmation

If we have already requested the ACP transfer, we should confirm that it's successful. This is the last step, but it's essential.

Here's what we should do:

  • Contact the new ACP provider and request information about the benefit transfer
  • Confirm that we still receive ACP benefits and maintain our eligibility
  • Resolve outstanding issues with our old provider if needed


If we receive ACP benefits, we have the right to switch to a new provider for multiple reasons. When we aren't satisfied with the current service or have issues with our internet connection, we can look for a new company and continue enjoying discounted broadband.

While it has limitations, the process is easy. The rules are strict but not unreasonable. Also, switching ACP providers doesn't take too much time. If we maintain our eligibility, there won't even be a service interruption.

Unhappy with your current ACP provider? Want to find a company offering better benefits or a more stable internet connection? Remember that your satisfaction matters.

This program is designed to help us obtain affordable, reliable, high-speed internet services. We have the right to seek a new provider if the current one doesn't align with our needs and preferences.